Any way YOU want it!
Any way YOU want it!
We have a new addition to the PVC Bendit collection!
Introducing the 10B PVC Bendit model!
Just like the 10A, it allows you to heat schedule 40 and schedule 80 PVC pipe up to the full 10 feet in length. The heating element is the same one we use in the 10A, but it is in the larger diameter and will fit in 1 1/4" and larger diameter PVC pipe. It also has the capability of heating said PVC pipe up to EIGHT inches in diameter like the other B-models!
Our very first 10B was built on special request for a customer. After that, we decided to add them to our product line and now they are on the shelf ready for purchase!
Note: The 10B is not CSA listed.
Order yours today!